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Faster Deeper Sleep book$9.90

Faster Deeper Sleep is your complete guide to experiencing a deep nourishing sleep that will have you waking up feeling refreshed and full of energy every morning.

  • Total payment
  • 1xFaster Deeper Sleep book$9.90

All prices in AUD

Here is what you will recieve:
  • 10 steps to return your life back to balance
  • 6 yoga stretches that will calm your nervous system
  • A meditation practice that will calm your mind
  • An ancient spiced drink that holds to secret to a good night sleep
  • An ayurvedic oil massage technique to soothe your nervous system
  • Deep nourishing sleep

In life you rarely get to meet someone who inspires, empowers and sees you for who you are and you for them. My good friend Tom Cronin is just that. He is committed to helping change the world…I absolutely love the The Stillness project and so will you. Get ready for a nothing short of phenomenal transformational experience. I am excited to be a part of it.

Paul Hoffman Chief Visionary at The Success Creation Institute

Tom has taken some deep dives into the ocean of self. His wisdom and warmth inspires countless others, including myself, to do the same.

Drew Heriot, Director of ‘The Secret’
